Female bowling shoes are usually made out of leather and rubbers soles or variations of this. Mostly now, most shoes are made from Action leather and some with a nylon mesh. The soles of the shoes act much like the bowling lanes themselves they are both made to be super slick. it is important to wear the proper footwear. Players must wear, the proper footwear, on the greens. It is not permissible to wear soles with heels or any shoe with deep ridges. Sandals and flip flops are allowed if they have flat soles. The reason is that the green can be damaged with heels, especially if it is wet. Flat sole shoes help to keep the green from getting churned into a bog.
Many Different Styles
Here at the Lawn bowls shop we have a great selection of ladies bowls shoes. from the manufacturers such as Drakes Pride, Taylors and Dek. They come in many shapes and sizes with new stock arriving every week. A pair of trainers, with good flat soles will also be allowed and remember most clubs have suitable shoes you can borrow. We also have a large selection of Unisex shoes in our gents sections
Extra Wide fit Bowling shoes
We have a good range of wide fitting shoes for ladies. It makes it more comfortable when playing bowls if you have the proper size of footwear.