The Henselite Tiger Bowl.
The Tiger is an all-time favourite bowl. Now in the new vibrant colours and the Mega grip This is a mid bias bowl and can be used for a great variety of shots both indoors and out. The Tiger Evo comes in with a narrower line to the jack.The Tiger has been around for a long time and has been used by Professionals and they have won many competitions including the world championships. It is one of best bowls around and is made in Australia.
Mega Grip.
The Mega grip is the new grip just like the channel grips on other bowls. This grip helps with a more secure grip and allows the player to get a better aim. It will improve your aim and accuracy. Most of the Henselite range now come with this new grip. This grip was developed with the help to top professional and tested for over a year before production.
For indoors and outdoors.
New and experienced players Love this bowl as it is very forgiving.
Ergo and Mega grip available.